PhotoshopMask's Privacy Policy gathers data and information of their website visitors and customers only with the user’s permission and they are done mostly for billing and contact purpose. These data do not explore the website visitor’s identity but is only done to identify the visitors need. Such data are handled with utmost care which prevents it from going in wrong hands. The client’s needs and instruction are looked with immediate effect. Instant action is taken if any complaint is lodged via email by the clients regarding the ordered work. But in case of damage (implied or direct) come will not be liable to compensate.

Further will not use any images of clients’ for the purpose other than making clipping path on them. The images that comes with free trail request will be used for the company’s advertisement & web Site. The website visitors or customers are confirmed that their privacy is protected when they access their account or purchase services from

As the copyright of images on this website belongs to the original photographers, it strictly prohibits copying or reproduction or modifying images without prior permission of copyright owners.

This privacy policy will be periodically revised or updated without notice. You are advised to review it regularly.